Where'd She Get It: Oliva Palermo's Peacoat

I'm a huge fan of Olivia Palermo's style, mainly because she's huge on combining high and low priced items (which means budget fashionistas like myself, can easily recreate them!). She was recently spotted wearing this yellow peacoat from Old Navy and can you believe it's under $20! I actually featured this same peacoat in a fashion TV segment I did a few back and had no idea Olivia had rocked it herself.

Instead of black or brown, this yellow peacoat is the perfect addition to your winter wardrobe. Here's where to get it:

Where to Buy:
Classic Wool-Blend Coat, Old Navy, $19

1 comment

  1. Love Olivia's look! She's always impeccable. Sadly all the yellow peacoats are sold out at Old Navy, although there seem to be a few smaller sizes available on ebay. I'm lucky to have one and it's such a beautiful yellow - a color for which the slightest variation in shade makes all the difference.
