Video: Blogging for Business- How to Monetize Your Fashion Blog

A few weeks ago we started a new series called "Blogging for Business," in which I asked you to send any questions you might have regarding blogging. Many of you mentioned you would prefer these to be a video series, so here goes the first one. It's from a our reader Claudia in which she asks:

"What else can I do in order to collaborate with more brands so I can produce posts in exchange for monetary compensation? Is there a different route to take when dealing with non-fashion or non-beauty related brands, such as theme parks and any other brand having to do with the lifestyle portion of my blog?" 

Hope you like it. You can send me your questions to

Here's also a really great article you might want to check out from IFB called "20 Ways to Monetize Your Blog."



  1. Thank you for the tips; will definitely be using them!

  2. Great tips! I'm excited to get started!



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