1. Don't Buy Without Trying: "It can be tempting to dash into a store, pick out some delicious-looking clothes, and be on your way, but then you miss out on one of the best parts of shopping--the therapy of it all! Plus if you don't try them on, you'll risk buying things that look good on the hanger but a hot mess on you."
2. Get on Mailing List: "Whenever you find a store that you like, ask to be added to their mailing list. You'll be the first to know when they're having a sale and be one step ahead of the other shoppers."
3. Stock Up on Basics: "Figure out what basics regularly go into your look (whether it's jeans, cardigans, hoop earrings, or a tailored jacket) and which ones you feel good wearing. Then stock up on them. This way you won't be agonizing in front of your closet every morning about what to wear!"
#1 and #3 I have mastered but having been doing #2 - getting on mailing list much try