Q&A: The Business of Blogging

I've been meaning to do this series for a while now and since many schools are hosting career week this month, I thought it would be the perfect time. I often receive emails from other girls looking to start a career in fashion or wanting to learn how I got started in my career. Although I would love nothing more to respond to each and every email (and more often than not I do) many times between keeping up with the blog and being a mom and life in general, it just gets hard. 

So I thought I would just answer those questions here on the blog in a series called "Blogging for Business."  I'm still trying to decide if they will be in a video format or perhaps just a regular written post (let me know if you have a preference). 

So if you have a question you'd like to ask, from how to monetize your blog to how to work with brands, to starting a career in television...etc.  just shoot me an email to carmen@vivafashionblog.com (and put in the heading "Question Blogging for Business") and I'll do my very best to answer them.  

Hope I'm able to help in any way. 


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